Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Lauryn Hill ahukumiwa miezi mitatu jela, kwa kukwepa kulipa kodi !

Lauryn Hill Sentenced To Three Months In Prison For Tax Evasion
Despite paying $900,000 just hours ago, Lauryn Hill will serve time after all.
Despite paying close to a million dollars in federal back-taxes, Lauryn Hill is headed to prison. The Associated Press reports that the emcee/vocalist was sentenced to three months in prison today in a federal court based in her hometown of Newark, New Jersey.
Hill was facing up to three years in prison, but received a reduced sentence. Following a guilty plea, Ms. Hill and her attorney were seeking probation. She paid her $900,000 tax bill this weekend.
This will be Hill's first stay in prison. She could be released in as soon as a month.