mauaji ya kijana asie na hatia Trayvon Martin ambaye ni muamerika mweusi ambaye
alipigwa risasi na George Zimmerman ,muimbaji wa kimarekani mwenye asili ya Senegal
Akon amewataka wamarekani mwenye asili
ya afrika kurudi afrika kwa madai amerika sio kwao .
alifunguka yalio moyoni mwake kuptia ukurasa wake wa twetter
baada ya tweet hiyo ya Akon raia hawakukaa kimya walitoa mawazo yao soma hapo chini..
said @ akon well said we need to bo back to Africa where we belong and we will
be treated like king n queen #so proud to be black African.
I was just saying this Relocating to Nigeria is definately an option now @ akon
no joke.
true, Im from West Africa and the judicial system is worst over there.
Sorry but movement to Africa is not the solution& Black Americans dont have
much in common with Africans&matter fact, our views are so distant that
perhaps the only thing we have in common is our COLOUR.. Sadly the shackles are
off physically but not mentally.
@ akon last time I check Africa didn&t want you either. You own kind sold
you to the America as slaves. So please you don. like it here take your
fame money and family go back.
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